This website would not exist without assistance in researching and writing
these pages. Oversights are not intentional, as it would be impossible
to remember and mention all of the people who have supplied information!
When sending something for inclusion on the web, please be sure we have
copyright permission, or at least have the necessary information available.
Thanks are given to the following, in no particular order.
- Henry C. Hill, Jr.
- Bonnie McDaniel
- Bob Baudendistel
- Kenton Dickerson
- Colleen Gupton
- David Ellenberg
- John Stewart
- Bob Mayben
- Stacy Burgos
- Eddie Boatwright
- Emmett Coffer
- John Walker
- Bud Laws
- Jan Aylor
- Henry Hill
- Stacy Monroe
- Terry Coats
Special acknowledgements to the following:
Ken Ingram for donating his existing NC&StL website with special
emphasis on the Nashville, Paducah & Memphis Division..
"The Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway - History and
Steam Locomotives" by Richard Prince.
Ira Bell for historical information.
Charles Castner, author of "The Dixie Line," for locating
images in the L&N/NC&StL archives at the University of Louisville.
Dain Schult, author of "Grandpa's Road --History of the NC&StL"
and president of NCPS
Richard P. Musgrove for obtaining permission for NCPS to reproduce the
Trains Magazine, December 1963 issue, and also scanning the article.